There are many solutions to decrese the rate of the global warming in the UAE. Every year globl warming in increasing in the UAE so we must stop using anything wich may cause global warming. The first solution is that should the government decrease on using energy wich may cause global warming such as factories and recycling rubish. another solution is that should people stop using cars nd use bicycle or buses.
It seems that you put some efforts in your blog. However, it needs some organizing. I think you should tell the reader what is global warming and the effects and causes. Then it will be great if you relate this to UAE particularly and the other countries in general… But wait I liked the idea of having direct solutions…it means it's not the end…We can work out things to better life
Thank you for your coment, and about the organizing i did wrote the causes and efects in genaral then I but some general solutions, then I relate particularly in UAE.
i don't think that stop using cars will make that huge change because even the buses, planes and ships are also pollute the earth we have to change the type of fuel that the all the transpirations system run on it.
I agree with about your point Hasan and thank you for your opinion, but as I said stop using cars will reduce the amount of the global warming. And about the type of fuel I think using natural gas is useful and will reduce the pollute.
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